What Is Necromancy?

Sometimes the spirit will manifest visually in some way, perhaps even as a traditional “ghost”. At other times, the spirit will be able to affect objects like a wineglass, a bell, or a candle. If a spirit has something important to say she or he may choose someone in the room to speak through – unless the magician has managed to bring the deceased’s body along, and the spirit is willing to inhabit it again for a while. Technically, a Read More

Traditional English Witchcraft – Folk Magic Vs Ceremonial Magick

In the world of witchcraft and the occult, there are two divisions in the use of magical practice: 1) Folk Magic, which is also called Low Magic, and 2) Ceremonial Magick, which is also called High Magick. Folk Magick is used in witchcraft and has been referred to as witches’ prayer. It certainly is the most popular form of magic because of its connection to many forms of Paganism. Correctly, Folk Magick practitioners utilizes meditative and visualization techniques in spellcraft Read More