Welcome to the New Spiritual Economy

Bye, bye Kansas. Hello Oz! Better to let go and prepare for the ride, because it is not “business as usual” any longer folks. The limiting barriers of the materialistic worldview is giving way to the emergence of a new world. Its economy is Spirit. Where is the bank? Where are the resources? The bank is inside of you. You are the bank. Your resources have yet to be discovered. In another article entitled “The Bank of the New World,” Read More

Element Angels – Elemiah Protector and Anpiel Spiritual Expansion

Water is free flowing, representing the emotional body, movement, inner journeys, and Spiritual expansion. Elemiah is the Angel Protector of All Who Journey. Seek not the ways of others, find your own way. Accept that which is gifted if it resonates within. If it does not, accept the gift releasing it in gratitude, appreciating the sharing of another’s time and experience. You give the gift of possible healing, assisting another along their journey. To journey, is to open your heart, Read More