Tyronn Lue and the Leopards

I was born in a hospital but I take pride in telling everyone I encounter that I was born under a banana tree due to abject penury! My father was a World War 2 veteran who worked with the Customs Department in Cameroon (West Central Africa). He was a self-made man with a second grade education but would go to the bank and conduct his financial transactions with help from nobody; filling out forms and making deposits or withdrawals as Read More

Right Foot Touchdown in the Hammer Throw – Heel Or Toe?

The right foot touchdown in the hammer throw is a critical point of force application to the implement. This can be clearly seen by those throwers at the top of the world rankings today. You will notice how much force they are putting into the ground with each successive turn. In order to better facilitate this force production, should athletes be taught to land with the right toe or heel during each double support phase? From my observations, and through Read More