Why an iPhone and Car Mount Is Better Than Your In-Car Infotainment System

Today, if you’re going to go out and buy a high end car, you’ll be amazed by the range and variety of in-car entertainment systems. From the introduction of the radio, our cars have since evolved satellite navigation systems, dual mode screens for watching films and even the ability to answer questions you have on the road. However, these systems can often be pretty dumb. Slow, unintuitive and rarely updated, they can be much less useful than the computer you’ve Read More

Waste Not, Want Not-Why Not?

We may not be out of the pandemic quite yet, but many of us are carving out a “new normal” for ourselves. Because let’s face it, life is not going back to what it was a mere two years ago. This actually is a good thing, because we have the opportunity to make new decisions, new choices for how we want to live going forward. There was an adage my mother repeated endlessly: “Waste not, want not.” Her objective was Read More