Choosing a Web Host – The Checklist

Some people may not realize the importance of teaming up with the right web hosting company. It is just like a partnership. When businesses decide on the wrong web host, they could have difficulty in getting support, suffer from downtime or even worse. The loss on the initial capital investment is nothing compared to the damage resulting from bad web hosing. However, choosing a hosting package does not have to be a daunting task since businesses just have to consider Read More

Refresh or Rebuild Your Website

Your business website is your shop window to the world, it is your main advert to your existing and potential customers to say “we are open for business.” When business is going well it is always so easy to remain complacent with a current website but with many businesses having an outdated design, when it is time for a marketing push to bring in new customers the current website will almost certainly let them down. With increases in technology and Read More