CMM and Quality Management

Please note that the CMM/CMMI methodology this article is based on is from the Capability Maturity Model, Guidelines for Improving the Software Process, Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Institute (SEI). CMM/CMMI emphasize the importance and independence of the Software Quality Assurance (SQA) group that is responsible for implementing organizational quality policies, standards, and processes, while the PMBOK emphasizes the importance of the integration of quality activities into the overall project plan. The PMBOK assigns responsibility for project quality issues to Read More

Today The American Education Is Being Reinvented

Today the American education is being reinvented. The assumptions that have governed its structures and power relationships for more than a century are being replaced. This reinvention is breeding all manner of novel approaches to schools, and hybrid arrangements that blur the line that has long separated public and private schools. For example, the best of what have come to be called charter schools possess elements of today’s public and private systems. Moreover, this new model is not an unbridled, Read More