Why to Approach an IT Consultant for Getting ISO 27001 Certification

Before we should know the importance of getting an ISO 27001 certification auditing of the organization, it’s most effectual to get to know what exactly this certification is. An ISO 27001 Certification is a structured set of guidelines and specifications for assisting organizations to develop their own information security framework. The standard set for the organization is all related to information assets in an organization, regardless of the media on which it is stored or the area where it is Read More

ISO 22000:2018 – What Are the Major Differences?

The new release of the ISO 22000:2018 version of the Food Safety Management System (FSMS) standard – Requirements for any organization in the food chain, the update in this new standard is that it follows the same high-level structure that is generally being used by all the updated food safety management system ISO standards. The foremost advantage of this new updated standard ISO 22000:2018 has become easier to integrate with other management system standards. With ISO 22000 certification there allows Read More