Falling Standard Of Education In Nigeria: Who Is To Be Blame?

INTRODUCTION The concept ” falling standard of Education” is a relative term because there is no well defined instruments to measure it with utmost reliability and validity. That is why scholars’ views on the concept varies. These scholars view it at different perspectives, depending on the angle each of them is looking at it. Babalola, A (2006) sees the concept from admission of Nigerian University products in developed countries universities. That the first six Nigerian Universities (University of Ibadan, Ile Read More

Information on Standard Gauge Toy Trains

Collecting them is an increasingly fashionable hobby among many people. Some collect them as they are prompted of their childhood, or because they had one or two of these realistic toys transferred down to them via the generations. Regular evaluate toy trains are about the most popular collectible ones. There are lots of replicas and styles to decide on, and a large number of these ones are quite difficult to come. If you’re new to collecting them or are just Read More