Every Company Needs to Get ISO 9001 Certification – Irrefutable Reasons Why

ISO 9001 certifies a company in quality management system or QMS. Any organisation that takes this path reaps a number of benefits. To gain an ISO certification, the firm has to clear a physical audit that is conducted by a registrar. By passing the inspection, the firm proves to the certifying agency that they comply with ISO 9001:2015 standards. It is essential information that most businesses are aware of but what few recognise is the advantages it furnishes to the Read More

A Review of "Gold – The Once and Future Money"

The book that is the subject of this review is Gold: The Once and Future Money, written by Nathan Lewis and published in 2007. Lewis, “formerly the chief international economist of a leading economic forecasting firm,” provides a thorough examination of using gold to support the value of a currency (the gold standard ), as well as a history of gold standards in the past and his arguments for returning to a gold standard from the international floating currencies now Read More