Stress Busters and Brain Balance for Your Life

We all are bombarded by noise, constant activity and stress producing situations in modern life. Believe it or not there are simple techniques that quickly help anybody of all ages become less stressed with their brain integrated and more balanced as they go through their day. It becomes very difficult for most of us to do and think at the same time when we are under too much stress. When we are functioning at our best, clear messages feed from Read More

How to Solve Stress – Use Your Chakra’s

You probably know a little bit about chakra’s, but maybe you have never worked with them. I can teach you an easy method of chakra healing. You can see it as a kind of meditation. And it’s a good way to solve your stress. Sit in a chair with your back straight. Close you eyes and breathe naturally for a few minutes. Imagine that each chakra is a ball of clear white light. The root chakra is at the end Read More