Role of a Teacher in the Life of Students

Teachers As Heroes A role model is a person who fills us with the urge or ability to feel or do something, especially something creative and motivate us to try very hard to do something or make something happen, live to our complete potential and see the best in ourselves. A role model is someone we admire and someone we desire to be like. We learn through them, through their determination to be extremely outstanding and through their aptitude to Read More

Yoga Teacher Liability Insurance

After an intern has successfully completed a Yoga teacher training course, he or she is looking for teaching positions and considering many side issues. One of the main issues is liability insurance. Below is a question and answer session regarding Yoga teachers and liability insurance. Q. What if a student did not indicate a specific health issue and has a problem, ailment, or physical condition that I am unaware of? A: You cannot read minds, but you can develop a Read More