Emerging Technology Is Changing How You Can Do Business

I love technology, and we’re fortunate to be living at a time when most of us are experiencing the great evolution of technology. For instance, we have cars that are out on our streets driving themselves. We have incredible advances in medicine and have eradicated diseases. And, as the U.S. shifts from government to public and private partnerships, I’m sure that we’re going to see incredible achievements in the space industry as humanity seeks to create a society that will Read More

Autism and Assistive Technology

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a newly popularized term that includes a wide range of social impairments, communication deficits, and repetitive behaviors. The spectrum is flexible which means that it can be applied to children from both ends. It includes high functioning autism at one end, to those who lack communication abilities and can’t even express their most basic demands, at the other. The new explicit spectrum thinking has given at least an illusion that there’s a fixed boundary regarding Read More