Analysis to Next Generation Sequencing Technology

With the development of science, traditional Sanger sequencing has failed to meet new requirements of low cost, high throughput and fast in speed. Recent years, with the discovery and promotion of second-generation sequencing technology, the gene sequencing speed has increased greatly while achieving a substantial decline in costs, making large-scale application of genome sequencing possible. Now, the cost of personal whole genome sequencing is about 5,000$, and is expected to decreased to less than $ 1,000 in the next few Read More

How is Technology Making Life Better?

The recent development of technology has made it possible for us to live in ways that have never been possible before. From accessing massive amounts of information on the internet to simply experiencing an enriched personal lifestyle, technology continues to push the boundary of our living standards every day. It is undoubtedly true that technology is an important part of our daily lives. Since the internet was first made public, it has changed and improved in many ways. It is Read More