Teaching With Technology

Teaching with technology helps to expand student learning by assistant instructional objectives. However, it can be thought-provoking to select the best technology tools while not losing sight of the goal for student learning. An expert can find creative and constructive ways to integrate technology into our class. What do we mean by technology? The term technology refers to the development of the techniques and tools we use to solve problems or achieve goals. Technology can encompass all kinds of tools Read More

Prospective Reflections on Computers and Technology

The millennium era is the season for information technology, internet and computers. They become the parts and parcel of our daily life. We cannot dream of living without them. In order to honor them, I provide in this article, various prospective reflections on computers and technology. Here they are: Technology is ruled by two types of people: those who manage what they do not understand and those who understand what they do not manage. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable Read More