Assistive Technology Advancements Offer A New Wave of Possibility For Your Child With Special Needs

Technology has a way of skidding from science fictions 'past into the present like Michael J Foxs' Delorean in "Back to the Future". Remember those sliding doors in Star Trek on the USS Enterprise? We take them for granted now. And every time I see someone flip open a cell phone and talk to someone, I expect to hear them say "Beam me up Scotty." The day of live streamed video mail is coming soon -very soon. Every science fiction Read More

T Is for Technology in Triathlon Training

The original triathletes were amazing. Dave Scott and Mark Allen accomplished amazing feats in triathlon long before technology took over the sport. They didn’t have metrics like we have today and they certainly didn’t have all of the information gathering abilities we have. Yet, they set records and competed valiantly. In fact Mark Allen still holds the marathon record in Kona to this day. Technology is a great friend to triathletes but is does have a downside. TECHNOLOGY ITEMS So Read More