Technology – Need of the Hour

The technological innovation has always provided the humanity with the sudden advancement that has always served as the path for progressive developments. The invention of personal computer and availability of internet has totally revolutionized world in impactful manner and has empowered the user at every end with power of ultra-fast virtual world. The smartphone has also proven to be a key to this ongoing revolution which has enabled the user to get benefit with power of connectivity. The internet for Read More

The Science of Today's Technology, Data Science

Technology today … Recently, there has been a surge in the consumption and innovation of information based technology all over the world. Every person, from a child to an 80-year-old man, use the facilities the technology has provided us. Along with this, the increase in population has also played a big role in the tremendous growth of information technology. Now, since there are hundreds of millions of people using this technology, the amount of data must be large too. The Read More