Showcasing the Potential of the Latest Technology

Did you ever recognize how technologies present new trends in sustaining the system? The integration of different operational concepts must be distributed across the network. When operations are implemented in real-time the management of data can become compounded. Information access in real-time requires special treatment. The golden rule is that it should be simple yet precise in execution. Whatever expenditure you have made on the network should offer a good return. New technologies develop methodologies allowing the organization to maximize Read More

Feeling Stressed? Try Going Technology Free For a Day

“My technology-free day was a nightmare,” exclaims one student at the very beginning of her final presentation on technology, nature, and her inner experiences of both. This exclamation has amused me so much that I have repeated it often through the day when describing this project to other students and colleagues at Saint Francis University, a small university tucked into the hills of the Allegheny mountains in central Pennsylvania. As part of the curriculum in my Environmental Sociology class, students Read More