Umpiring and Technology

One school of thought says that wherever technology can assist umpires it should be used. Bad decisions become a thing of the past and the real ‘clangers’, which occur too often for comfort, are eliminated. In opposition are those who proclaim that the use of technology produces long and often unnecessary delays, that human error is a part of life and sport, that technology is also imperfect and therefore we should carry on as we did before. Amongst this group Read More

Do Yourself This Favor: Technology Cleanse

New disorders have been named to accommodate the growing number of people addicted to specific technologies; World of Warcraft and other video games, Facebook, Smartphones at dinner, Candy Crush, and more. Anyone remember the craze of the most addicting Facebook game of them all, Farmville?! Most Americans can say they would like to be less glued to their technology. Screen time has been known to cause sleep disturbance, and with work becoming more mobile, it becomes more and more invasive Read More