Art Workshop Holiday in Thailand?

Most people who vacation in Thailand have a similar pattern with respect to their sightseeing choices; they usually visit the same places and participate in the same traditional tourist activities. Now, this phenomenon can applied to almost any tourist destination, not only Thailand. By no means am I putting down Joe Average Tourist in his choices, but sometimes JAT feels uncomfortable about deviating from the norm and finds a comfort zone in following the pack. As an example, the typical Read More

Thailand – The Land of Smiles – Northern Thailand

You will no doubt have heard this said of Thailand and it is; by and large true, I say this with tongue in cheek because the Thais are really friendly people but you have to bear in mind their circumstances. Whilst they are a hard working race they get no help from their government. If they have not got, or can not find work, then they do not eat. It follows there that if they get their hands on a Read More