Understanding the Serenity Prayer

For those who have been affected by alcoholism, para-alcoholism, dysfunction, and abuse, and seek recovery in twelve-step fellowships, the Serenity Prayer recited at the beginning of their meetings is integral to the process. “The Serenity Prayer… represents a concentrated measure of serenity, humility, courage, wisdom, and spirituality in 25 words,” according to the Adult Children of Alcoholics textbook (World Service Organization, 2006, p. 274). “It is a prayer that has anchored twelve-step meetings and the development of twelve-step fellowships for Read More

In The Mind

All is mind, everything is a matrix. As soon as we all realize that, all life is more controllable and works in a more realistic way. Indeed, fatalism and fear is always a weakness, but, I am not going to say do not be careful with your life or overly cavalier with your life, either. Thought and action are one in the same when done right, and they seem separate when done wrong. I gave a lot of thought to Read More