The Omniscience Trap: What It Is and How It Holds You Back

Who among us hasn’t fallen into the trap of believing that in order to be worth our salt as managers, we must be omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent on the job? In Truman-esque fashion we declare that the buck stops with us, and confuse taking responsibility for results with being responsible for controlling everything that happens with a project, department, or business unit. Everyone knows about the bottlenecks that occur when too much information is forced to flow through one pair Read More

The Future of Natural Beekeeping

What is ‘natural beekeeping’? The question should rather be, ‘is any beekeeping natural?’ and the answer must be that, in nature, only bees keep bees. As humans, our interest in them has been primarily selfish: we saw them as the source of a uniquely delicious, sweet substance and paid little heed to their pervasive presence in the natural world, where, largely unnoticed, they went about their business of farming flowers. Farming? In the same way that horticulturists select plant varieties Read More