Recruitment Marketing Superstars Come Together With Sophisticated Job Seekers

Have no doubt in your mind, there is positively a new type of job seeker emerging on the worldwide talent spectrum today. It is true, gone are the days when you can place a job posting and be 100% guaranteed a bucket of awesome resumes from the best and brightest candidates. Today, candidates research jobs online, in the same manner, they research where to go out to eat or which hotel to stay in. Sophisticated job seekers want an inside Read More

Hiring Hacks for IT Recruiters

Taking newer approaches and improving hiring strategies has shown be make a difference in today’s age where technology is rapidly making advancements. For recruiters unsure of how to go about with successful recruitment in the current time, here are a few hacks that can help firms land up with the best candidates in the field today: Don’t put the candidates in a box More often than not, IT professionals are considered to be nerdy who have certain common interests such Read More