What Are The Real Costs of a Bad Hire?

Do you feel like you’re ahead of the dollars and cents game when you decide “NOT” to use an executive recruiter’s services in your recruiting and hiring plans? Maybe you figure why bring a third party into the situation and pay out a fee, but have you ever really taken a look at the costs involved when your “chosen hire” doesn’t work out?  The numbers regarding costs of a bad hire vary, but here are some estimates from various sources. Read More

Etopia, Second Life, And Business As Unusual

For those unfamiliar with Second Life, it’s a virtual environment in which users interact with each other and a world they create. Think of it as a social platform on steroids. It’s also a platform for enhancing the way we work together. My goal with the virtual environment I helped create and continue to build upon is to allow visitors to learn about community, mindfulness, and best practices in regenerative lifestyle and business. I know those are all buzz words, Read More