Find Content to Share With Your Tribe

This information was shared by Amy Starr Allen… she is a mentor and awesome teacher as well as a successful online marketer. Her content is always spot on and helpful. Here is information from one of her online videos. Content is important to provide value and to increase value to your customers. Providing content is where you can show and teach thereby, increasing your value to your customers and your products. These places provide ideas on where to find substance Read More

6 Reasons To Start A Business During This Pandemic

You are not mistaken – I standby the title of my article. This is the best time to set up a business of your dreams or to expand your current business and yes, we are all still in Covid pandemic situation. So why all my positivity? Have I gone off-tangent with my thoughts? I am an economist and business educator. For a long period of time, I have also been an active Singapore/Indonesia representative of the World Future Society. Thus Read More