Benefits of Limu and Fucoidan

There is a unique superfood so powerful, so nutrient rich and so full of disease fighting and immune building properties, that it is drawing the attention of the medical community and the mass media. This sea vegetable, which is in the brown seaweed family, known as Limu Moui, is harvested in the South Pacific pristine waters of the Tongan Islands. It is being researched and published like crazy in major medical journals and on a US government site at pubmed, Read More

Does Limu Help Arthritis?

Contrary to popular belief, this disease does not apply to just older people, arthritis strikes all ages, affecting millions of people throughout the world. Its not just linked with a condition of getting old, for many of the most serious forms or Arthritis are often found in younger adults. Some Facts for you: – It is 3 times more common in women than in men. – Over 150 million people suffer from Arthritis in the US and Europe. – 68% Read More