The Man With Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

He lives in Bali, on the Indonesian island. He suffers from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. His particular obsession is glass. More accurately, broken glass. Should he break a glass, then he writes down in a special notebook, the exact time he broke it, the hour, day, month and year, what type of glass it was. He double checks all this information with the utmost care and only when he’s completely satisfied, does he close his notebook and put it away. Recording Read More

How I Drilled My Conch Shell to Make a Ceremonial "Pu" Conch Shell Horn

In all of the Polynesian islands, the Pu shell or Conch shell is a very sacred instrument used to begin ceremonies, ward off unwanted spirits, bless unions and was also used for important communication between islands in ancient times. Particularly in Hawaii, the conch shell is a very intimate part of every ceremony, beginning the tone of the event-majestic, deep, resonant and a part of the ever-changing seas, which nourish and surround these islands. We managed to trade old rope Read More