Grinding Horde Levels 10 – 20

At character level 11 you should already know where Far Watch Post is in the Barrens. Go into the center of the Barrens and on the way find Grol’dom Farms. Then keep traveling until reaching the center of the Barrens at the Crossroads. Go to Zharg near the camp fence and get an easy quest to deliver meats to Ogrimmar via the flight master in the camp (Meats to Ogrimmar). Find the Crossroads flight master. Part two is actually taking Read More

Dr Aziz – An Indian Character in an English Novel "A Passage To India"

Dr. Aziz, the main character of the novel, is a young Muslim Indian Physician who works at the British hospital in Chandrapore. He has got certain distinct qualities which make the study of his character interesting. He is a skilled person in his profession on one hand and a man of contradictory emotions on the other. He can’t look into matters without emotions and because of this quality he distances himself from rational and logical approach towards the realities of Read More