Health Benefits Of Limu Moui

For centuries all around the globe, seaweed has been used for its immense health benefits. Of the many varieties found internationally, one in particular has gained much favor and currency with health gurus and dietitians. This particular seaweed strain is called limu moui, and it hails from the exotic South Pacific island of Tonga. Considered a “superfood” by many nutritionists, the plant contains a storehouse of minerals and vitamins that supplant your body’s daily needs, essential amino acids and polysaccharides Read More

A New Years Celebration Where Time Begins in Tonga

The first country in the world to greet the New Year, each and every year, is Tonga in the South Pacific. That is because it lies very close to the 180th parallel (12 hours ahead of Greenwich). It sits directly on the International Dateline. Tongans value their relationship with God and others. The whole first week of the New Year is called Uike Lotu (prayer week). Every day church congregations meet and pray morning and evening, and in between they Read More