The Glass Is Half Full And You Can’t Be Disappointed

Have you ever felt that sinking feeling when surreptitiously expected the best in a situation only to actually see the worst come of it? You optimistically foresaw a better result, but it didn’t come about, and you were disappointed, in fact, shattered. Or, what about the opposite situation; you thought nothing of the possibility of a particular outcome only to be incredibly surprised and awestruck by how it turned out? Optimism and pessimism: Two such polar attitudes-at their extremes, both Read More

Beating Cherry Master Slot Machines – Beating Slot Machines Takes Knowledge But is Possible

Cherry master machines and fruit bonus machines are a line of back room slot machines that are usually played in back room locations. They are a version of a slot machine but not nearly as intricate as a casino style slot machine. To beat cherry masters is as easy as picking the right system for the right machine. Some cherry master machines are not beatable so make sure the machine you find is on the list. I had a friend Read More