Top 5 Free Android Games For Those Cathartic Moments of Calm

When you have an Android phone, work hard and spend your day running around, writing emails, attending meetings, rushing for trains and buses, queuing for just about everything and generally being a ball of stress, you need time to relax. One of your companions amidst your whirlwind of digital torrents and verbal diarrhea is your trusty smartphone. Even though you may curse its bleeping and battery life, it has a whole world of fun just beneath the surface, waiting for Read More

Art Appreciation – A Right To Know

Looking at the colourful traditional robes of some singing men from Northern Nigeria, in Africa, no two are the same. The robes are adorned with different patterns and colours. Possibly the indigenous designers are conveying different messages. How did they arrive at these varied patterns and color combinations one may ask? Or were these made based on the immediacy of emotion? Many inspirations and novel ideas come this way, you know. It was said that the late Ray Charles’ remarkable Read More