SuperBad – Download SuperBad the Movie Online

It is not a bad idea to download SuperBad the movie online. While it is titled “SuperBad”, it is not really a movie with a loose moral storyline. First released in theaters in 2007, the movie casts consist of Jonah Hill and Michael Cera. Box office records hit a high $33 million during the opening. While achieving a rotten tomato rating of 87%, it would have been considered as a really lousy movie but it is. Going by the record Read More

The Narcissist’s Ego Bruises Easily

We all have egos. The ego is the psychological “I” within us, an integral part of our identity. Strong egos are important. They tell us that we are valuable, competent, and solid inside. The ego is formed from early childhood. It develops as a result of positive, consistent, loving interactions with the parent(s). If a child feels wanted and is treated with love and respect, he feels positive and secure about himself. He values his uniqueness as a reflection of Read More