Coping with Angry People

I often work as a professional coach to executives, physicians, lawyers and others. One of the issues that frequently comes up in coaching is how best to cope with angry bosses, coworkers,or clients who suddenly or repeatedly appear. Skill in dealing with such people is no small matter – depending on our skillfulness,encountering and angry person can be a minor bump in the road or can upset us for the rest of the day. If we lose our balance, not Read More

The Deep Voice Mastery Guide

What exactly is the deep voice mastery guide, and why do people make so many search engine quires on “Deep Voice Mastery Download”? Well in this short article, I will talk about how voice change has become so common in our society today, and how voice coaches and voice experts are developing and selling voice training programs online, to satisfy the ever growing needs of people who are not satisfied with the way they sound. While your voice is always Read More