Cheap Flights to Fiji From India Promise Boost to Tourism

Fiji is a serene island country in the Pacific Ocean, about 1,000 miles northeast of the North Island of New Zealand. It is actually an archipelago of more than 300 small islands, most of which have been formed due to volcanic activity. About 75 per cent of visitors to this country are on vacation, away from the humdrum of city life. It is connected by airways and waterways to different parts of the world. Cheap flights to Fiji are operated Read More

Medical Tourism – Risks and Rewards

Medical tourism or health tourism is a term coined by travel agencies and the mass media to describe the rapidly growing practice of traveling to other countries for medical treatment and health care. Medical tourism services can be opted for elective procedures or more complex medical situations like joint replacement, cardiac surgery or even cosmetic surgery. Besides, it not only covers medical issues but also provides a travel and tourism angle to it. So in a nutshell, medical tourism calls Read More