A Rewarding Career in Travel & Tourism Industry

The global tourism industry is booming presently. Number of domestic as well as international arrivals has more than tripled. The tourism industry accounts for more than $1000 billion and is expected to grow by 200% in next five years. Tourism also in a major way contributes to the economy indirectly through its association with other sectors such as horticulture, agriculture, poultry, handicrafts and construction. Career in Travel & Tourism Travel and tourism is United States’ 2nd largest service export industry, Read More

Wildlife Tourism in India

India has a rich variety of flora and fauna to boast of. This vast diversity in India in all aspects attracts tourists to India, be it nature lovers, animal lovers or zoologists, there is ample room for everybody to explore when it comes to the rich and diverse wildlife of this great nation. With the establishment of a number of wildlife sanctuaries, reserves and parks the country is emerging as one of the most sought after Wildlife tourist destinations lately. Read More