History of Tourism in Barcelona

And because its people attract tourists, it is frequently written about in books, its locality often described and romanticized. The founding of the city began with the Roman occupation in the First Century B.C, who imposed walls and as a result, for a long period of time, separated villages from the walled area which is actually a part of the city. As of late, the different Catalonian countries united and pushed forth the rise of Barcelona as a tourist capital. Read More

Rajasthan Tourism – Incredible Tourism Experience in India

Rajasthan Tourism is an integral part of incredible India tourism. It represents true charm of tourism in India. There is great tourism potential in Rajasthan, the royal state of India. Majority of tourists visit India on account of wonderful holiday experience, luxury vacation, adventure and safari, wildlife expedition, heritage tourism, and cultural & ethnic tourism. And Rajasthan has these all to offer visitors. Today, Rajasthan is one of the most popular travel destinations of India appealing tourists, vacationers, adventure enthusiasts, Read More