Eastern Cape Tourism and Attractions

The Eastern Cape is the second largest of South Africa’s provinces, and has the greatest diversity of environments, cultural attractions and outdoor activities. Once considered the frontier between the British colony at the Cape and the wilds of “Kaffraria” – the land of the Xhosa people – it was the scene of many bloody battles. This conflict continued and in the 1980s this province contributed more than its fair share of martyrs to the freedom struggle. The capital of the Read More

‘Cure With Care’: The Motto Of Indian Medical Tourism

Medical tourism in India has seen an exponential growth in the past five years and is all set to become the major earner of foreign exchange in near future. There are a number of reasons that has led to the promotion of medical tourism in India. Patients from abroad are wooed not only by the low cost factor but also by the exceptional hospitality offered by the Indian healthcare centers. In a nutshell, one is not only cured but also Read More