How to Enjoy the Famous Landmarks of Egypt Tourism

Egypt is famous for its ancient civilization and houses some of the most magnificent images from all around the world including the Pyramids and Giza, the ancient temple of Luxor and the Great Sphinx. Most of the building in the country date back thousands of years. Though the main focus for a large part of the tourist communities lays on the great monuments alongside the Nile, the possibilities of Egypt travels extend up to snorkeling and diving along the Red Read More

What is All the Fuss About Responsible Tourism?

With the increasing panic surrounding the state of our planet, all business sectors, including tourism, are under growing pressure to embrace ethical and eco-friendly ‘best practices’. Responsible tourism has evolved as the answer to this growing concern and was formalised by the Cape Town declaration in 2002. Without environmental integrity, social uplifting of local communities and a broad-based view of tourism that incorporates both ethics and human rights, the sector cannot be deemed sustainable. Tourists are becoming more discerning Prospective Read More