How the Travel and Tourism Industry Can Benefit From Translations Companies

The world travel market is opening up at a great pace. Economic boom has given people enough resources to travel abroad. However, with this the travel and tourism sector is facing the challenge of seamless, to and fro, international communication. Given the travel and tourism industry being one of the largest online market sectors, it is specifically important for it to embrace an effective communication strategy using professional translation services companies. Translation companies can help the tour and tourism industry Read More

Sustainable Tourism- A Prerequisite of Sustainable Development

This article will provide a brief overview about the historical background, importance, concepts, principles and general debates about sustainable tourism. Sustainable tourism is one of the pre-requisites of achieving sustainable development. the concept of tourism with sustainability and development gets its historical inclusion from mass tourism that got flourished in 1960s due to advent of jet aircraft and the passions for tourism got tremendous following and it also reached Third World countries (Dann, 2002). It was also argued that this Read More