Eco-tourism Sites in Uganda

Mabira Forest Reserve Mabira Central Forest reserve is one OF Uganda’s largest surviving natural Forest covering an area of 306sqkm. The forest is a natural Habitat of 312 species of trees including the endangered Cordia Milllenii, Mililia Exclesa, the Warbhugia Ugandenesis which has medicinal properties and its known to cure over forty ailments; and the vulnerable prunus Africana. Mabira is also home of 315 species of Bird such as the Nahan’s Francolin, cassin Hawk Eagle, the forest wood hoope, the Read More

Dark Tourism – Should You Indulge?

People have always visited cemeteries, war memorials and other sites tinged with tragedy. Most times this is considered a legitimate part of our historical education. After all, how else will we learn about history and perhaps help it not repeat itself? Recently though this type of tourism has been given a name: dark tourism. It has synonyms – grief tourism, holocaust tourism, prison tourism – but they all tend to share a relationship to violent death and involve visits to Read More