Ways To Ask For A Kiss In Spanish

Here is a fast way to learn “kiss” and variations on it in Spanish. It’s a common word English speakers want to know. If you’re already familiar with it we’ll also go into some variations of it. “Beso” is the common word in Spanish for “kiss.” Unlike in English, Spanish nouns are categorized as masculine or feminine. Masculine nouns use “el” in place of “the.” Feminine nouns use “la” in place of “the.” “Beso” is a masculine noun so “the Read More

The Role of Interpretation and Translation Services in the Field of Medicine

With the global economy looking healthier than ever before, travel to far-flung countries on business and pleasure continues to rise at a steady pace. The influx of foreign students into US and British universities, and of software and other professionals into European and American businesses, has been escalating over the past two decades. According to recent estimates – there are about 45 million people residing in the US alone, who speak a language other than English in their homes, and Read More