5 Reasons, Many Miss Being Able To Travel!

Different individuals have different priorities, and things, which make them feel, happier, and more fulfilled! For some, this may be living a simpler, less – stressful life, or, avoiding day – to – day, financial worries/ concerns! Many people, especially, after this past year, of limited activities, etc, state, they, really, miss, being able to travel. This may be, due to a number of reasons, and/ or, circumstances, because, it often, means and represents, a variety of different things, to Read More

New Book Reveals Personal, Life-Changing Benefits of Travel

Anyone who loves to travel will not be surprised by Tom Leegstra’s belief that travel transforms us for the better. But few of us have taken the time to analyze that transformation. In The Transformative Power of Travel: How to Discover Yourself by Exploring the World, Tom shares just how travel changes us, teaching us to be more patient, more tolerant, and more open to new ideas, perspectives, and differences. Sometimes travel and the experiences it brings can also be Read More