Leveraging Google Traffic With the Hashtag

Valued Reader, It is impossible to share all the traffic tactics I have discovered in a single post, for now we will take a look at leveraging Google Traffic with the Hashtag. What this ultimately result to when leveraged correctly is Google Page One Exposure. Not Page One Ranking, but Page One Exposure and there is a huge difference between the two. There are several methods that will result in Google Page One exposure, which is also how you build Read More

7 Great Bench Marking Disciplines In Digital Marketing Success – You Should Never Share on Twitter

“Integrity is the moment of choice. Quality of life depends on what happens in the space between stimulus and response” -Dr. Stephen R Covey “Quality begins with the intent, which is fixed by management. Quality is everyone’s responsibility”- Edward Deming “Quality is never an accident and it is an action of intelligent efforts” – John Ruskin So, striving to be the best of the best is mandatory and, we must implement the Benchmarking blue prints and Benchmarking Process in our Read More