Martial Arts Training – Best Practices For Self Defense

If you're thinking about picking up some kind of martial arts training, it'd be good for you to know exactly what type of styles exist and which one would be the best one for you. There are literally hundreds of different arts around, and each have their own different qualities along with strengths and weaknesses, to suit different people. There isn't one best martial arts technique because the best style or technique is the one that suits you and your Read More

The History and Resurgence of Alibata

The recent years have seen a revival of sorts in the popularity of the alibata, the Philippines’ pre-Spanish writing system. From being an ancient script mentioned only in passing in classes in Philippine History, alibata has gained enough popularity to inspire the creation of hundreds of web sites dedicated to it. To be able to get an idea of how the resurgence of alibata came about, it is important to first give the origins and history of the language a Read More