Did China’s Conspiratorial Actions Push the World Into Crisis?

The coronavirus pandemic, in addition to snuffing out scores of lives, is also triggering racial tensions all over the world. There is a long history of naming pandemics by attaching them to a specific place and people. For example, the 1918 influenza pandemic, which was found in Spain, was called ‘Spanish flu’ and the recent Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is named after the Ebola River in Congo, where it was first discovered. In the same way, West Nile Virus and Read More

What is a Computer Virus?

One the most common questions I get from friends and customers is, “What is a Computer Virus?” The short answer is, “A computer virus is a small program that is designed to interfere with the operation of your computer. The more difficult question is, “Why?” That unfortunately is a much more difficult question to answer. Why does anyone do malicious things? Some reasons include: * To take control of a persons computer or network * To generate money * To Read More