Live Chat Software – Online Customer Service for Online Selling: the Commodity Becomes the Necessity

In a physical store, how many times have you scanned the aisles for a uniform and a nametag with an “Excuse me, do you?” If you are like the majority of shoppers out there, more than you can count. The employees are there to offer help and that help often leads to either finding the right product, or assuring that the product is right for the purchaser. The process of getting answers from an online store can be much more Read More

How To: Embed and Create Social Sharing in Volusion Templates

Volusion is an E-commerce platform for small business owners who want their websites to serve as online storefronts where customers can make purchases. This platform has many templates for small businesses to choose from, ranging from free to premium pricey, templates. It’s important to understand that technical support isn’t going to install or tell you how to install a social media icon on your Volusion storefront. This process is pretty straightforward. Choose which social media icons you want on your Read More