How to Add a Pocket to Your Civil War Uniform Jacket

Adding a pocket to your shell jacket is not only useful but very authentic also. As I always say, look at original photos of jackets with pockets. You decide which pocket style you like. Check ECHOES OF GLORY: ARMS AND EQUIPMENT OF THE CONFEDERACY and ECHOES OF GLORY: ARMS AND EQUIPMENT OF THE UNION. Adding a pocket will upgrade your jacket. I put one on the left side of my jacket, and it is really handy. Check original photos for Read More

Farsi Translation in Iran – Language As a Hopeful Son of War

There has been a recent propagation of mid-range business in the affluent Middle East – namely in countries such as Qatar, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates. This has seen the translation services industry boom beyond all comprehension, as young companies scramble for quality language services. Services conducted in Arabic have expanded beyond comprehension as the demand for website, marketing and product description translation in this part of the world has rocketed. Farsi, the most widely spoken Persian language and Read More