His Strength Emerges in Being Safely Vulnerable

Either a bear hug or a firm handshake: two common responses I get from men after a deep chat. Both are perfectly fine by me. Both communicate sincerity of spirit, man-to-man, an appreciation that we are equals before God, and that we bear a common love for one another. I have had plenty of encounters with men recently involving raw and honest discussions about fear and sadness and the anger that overrules us as men. And every interaction is inspiring Read More

The Keys in Achieving Maximum Productivity When Working With a Remote Team

It’s undeniable that more and more companies are embracing the idea of handling remote employees. This concept, however, only leads to two distinct scenarios: the diversity of your manpower will fuel unmatched company efficiency, and an insufficient remote team management and control will lead to unforced errors and worst, internal chaos. The latter will be close to impossible if the ability to organize a successful remote team will be accomplished. And in reality, you can do it with no sweat. Read More