The Rock and Roll Wisdom Of Spinal Tap Quotes

When it comes to quotable endeavors rock and roll is not very high up on the list but oddly, a rock and roll movie, 1984’s This Is Spinal Tap, is very much quoted. Probably the most quoted line is from a scene where Spinal Tap lead guitarist Nigel Tufnel (Christopher Guest) demonstrates to documentary film director Marty DeBergi (Rob Riener) how much more powerful his amplifier is than that of other bands. The volume control of amplifiers range from a Read More

The Value of Bunkai, or Martial Arts Technique Training

I recently came across a chat in which martial artists questioned the value of bunkai. Bunkai are techniques, specifically in Karate, but certainly not limited to karate, which are taken from forms (kata) and practiced. The arguments were that these were unreal situations, that they didn’t resemble real world fighting. Now, as in most of these types of things, the people were split, half and half, on the value of training through the application of techniques from forms. So here’s Read More