Should You Be Using Web Design Templates?

There are several factors that people need to take into consideration in creating their own website. They should think about how the site will be hosted, which CMS will be used and who will develop and maintain it. It is crucial to decide on whether they will create a custom web design or use a template. Creating a custom web design means starting from scratch with the use of CSS, HTML and PHP to design a site that is specific Read More

Web Design Tips to Improve Bounce Rates

Decrease time of loading. Users do not like to wait for a long time. No one can be more impatient than a person who browses the web on a regular basis – he wants to get the information needed fast and without delay. If a web page takes longer to load, this tests his patience. Now that there are competitor websites with similar information that is readily available, there is no reason for users to wait long for a page Read More