Do I Need Responsive Web Design for My Website?

The term “responsive web design” refers to websites that change and adapt their appearance for optimum viewing on all screen sizes, tablets, smartphones, ipods, kindles along with desktop and laptop computer screens. Occasionally, in the digital arts industry, it is called “fluid design”, “adaptive website design” or “RWD”. Unresponsive websites do not change to fit different screen sizes, which means they can be difficult to navigate and look at on smaller devices. Desktop sales have been surpassed by mobile sales Read More

Web Design for Small Business – Are You Making These Mistakes?

Simple or Irrelevant Images Images and graphics play an important role in web design. Images easily capture the interest of visitors and are able to communicate complex thoughts faster than read text. In this regard, a lot of companies make use of low-quality or irrelevant images. Poor quality images can harm their websites and put off visitors. In the same way, irrelevant images can confuse viewers and make them guess the message that businesses are trying to convey. Hidden Navigation Read More